Sunday 15 April 2018

Why The Rock Should Be The Next Wolverine

Very few actors have done a better job portraying a comic book hero on the big screen as Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. But after delivering years of outstanding performances (he was robbed of an Oscar for his most recent film Logan); Hugh has decided to retire from the role, leaving a huge void in the franchise. Disney is currently in the process of buying 21st Century Fox, which would bring the X-Men back into the Marvel family. It's unlikely that they will sign a new actor to play Wolverine until after the sale is completed. Whoever that man is going to be, he's got some big shoes to fill. He needs to be electrifying with great physicality and humour. He needs to be The Rock.

Rumours of Hugh Jackman leaving the role have been percolating for a while now. Director of X-men First Class Matthew Vaughn, wanted to make Days of Future Past the last movie of a trilogy. In his plan, the new Wolverine would meet the original one, similar to how James Macavoy meets Patrick Stewart. This would have provided fans with an strong introduction to the new Wolverine and provide a proper send off to the Hugh Jackman version. Instead it was decided to say farewell to Jackman in a stand-alone rated R outside the X-Men franchise, and they hit a home run.

Several actors have been speculated to play the next Wolverine. Big names such as Tom Hardy and Scott Eastwood have been talked about. But after watching Pacific Rim: Uprising, I am very comfortable telling you that Scott Eastwood does not have the acting chops to pull off the requirements of such a high caliber role. We have seen Tom Hardy play Bane in the Dark Knight Rises. We will see how he pulls off the role of Venom this October. Thus far Hardy has not proven effective at playing a hero.

These speculated actors are no match for The Rock, who has both the charisma and the physical gifts needed to play this iconic character. Seeing The Rock with adamantium claws and huge side-burns would be awesome. He has enough raw strength to not even need the metal ejected into his skeleton. The Rock has already shown he has the ability to fight in a similar style to Wolverine. Just watch the majestic prison break sequence in Fast and Furious 8. Truly captivating. In Fast 7, he even flexed out of cast!

Maybe the biggest problem with The Rock playing Wolverine, is that he would be so powerful that nobody would dare fight the X-Men. Imagine how great it would be to see The Rock executing wrestling moves with metal claws. It would be epic to see him drop a "Rock Bottom" or "People's Elbow" against Saber-tooth, Juggernaut or any other X-men villain. If you cast a weaker Wolverine, like say a Vin Deisel or Tyrese Gibson, that would only encourage villains to embark on mayhem.

The Rock’s movies are always a guaranteed global success. Both the last two Fast and Furious movies made over a billion dollars worldwide. More recently, Jumanji made $953M at the global box office. His latest film Rampage is also doing well overseas. The result is quite simple; put Dwayne Johnson in a leading role and your movie is going to gain widespread popularity. If Marvel wants to introduce a new generation of fans to the X-Men, The Rock’s status as an international mega-star whose brand transcends race, religion and national borders not only makes him an excellent choice, it makes him the only choice. He can raise Wolverine's global profile to new and exciting heights.


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