Tuesday 6 November 2018

The Rock Should Be The Next Superman

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Henry Cavill is done as Superman in the DC cinematic universe. The studio is upset that Justice League did not live up to expectations and want to take things in a new direction. Batman has always been the big screen "golden child" for DC comics, with Superman a distant second place. There have been a few failures in previous attempts to adapt Superman to the big screen after years of success in the comic books and DC really needs to hit a home run with this casting.

Christopher Reaves was iconic in his portrayal of the Kryptonian, but had some low points. Quest for Peace was awful. Cavill started out strong with Man of Steel, taking a downward turn with Batman V Superman and Justice League. In the latter, Cavill was the center of controversy after a bad CGI job to remove his mustache during re-shoots which made his face look strange. Did the bad CGI job ultimately contribute to his demise as Superman? Probably. Is that fair? Probably not. Either way, we need a new Superman, and there is only one person who could truly embody the role, and that's The Rock.

Dwayne Johnson is already signed on to play Black Adam in the DCU, but that movie has not even begun filming. There is still time for the studio to change their minds and cast a real-life Superman into the iconic role. When you look at The Rock, it's very easy to imagine that he came from an alien race of enhanced beings with incredible strength who could leap over Earth's tallest skyscraper. He was born to be Superman. The man simply transcends space and time, re-writing the definition of excellence.

Anyone who thinks that Vin Diesel could play the role is not being realistic. Vin is not tall enough and they would have to use CGI to give him the appropriate muscles, whereas the Rock already has all the muscle needed to fit properly into those tights. Certainly the Fast and Furious franchise did not explode to the next level of international success until The Rock joined, a man beloved around the globe. Nobody on Earth is writing a blog post right now arguing that Tyrese Gibson should be the next Superman, except maybe his ex who wants to keep the child support flowing.

We have already seen The Rock conquer the international box office, now it's time for him to conquer the intergalactic box office. There is no better franchise than Superman to grow The Rock's fame throughout the Universe. Seriously, we should beam all his movies into outer space so that advanced alien cultures can enjoy his work. Would there be a better way to make first contact with alien civilizations than to send them a copy of The Rock's rendition of Superman? He represents all the best parts of humanity. Seeing The Rock as Superman might also discourage hostile alien species from invading our planet.

As great as it would be to see The Rock play Batman, DC is only going to allow him to play one role in their cinematic universe. I'd love to see him get both roles, but that can't happen. It has to be one or the other, and there is no question that physically he's a more natural fit as the man of steel. I'm pretty sure The Rock's bones are made with steel. Unlike Batman, Superman can fly. Normally they would need to use CGI to mimic flight, but I suspect The Rock might actually be able to fly in real-life. And I will continue believing that until I'm proven wrong.

The bottom line is that The Rock, a real-life man of steel, needs to be cast as the next Superman. Humanity needs him, in both fantasy and reality. Warner needs to hurry up on this, because The Rock is under tremendous demand to run for President in 2020, after which he will be unavailable for filming. The window for this project is shrinking. Make him an offer and stop wasting time.

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